Children’s Education

Nurturing Bilingualism

Please click the image to download a pamphlet. (A4 size, 8 pages)

For those parents who have come from overseas, your native language is the most precious thing you can give your child

1. Encouraging bilingualism

2. A child’s growth and language learning are deeply related

3. Child-parent communication is important

4. Bilingualism stems from everyday habits at home

5. Thinking about your child’s language and education at home

6. Make friends with whom you can communicate in a language other than Japanese


Kyoto Prefectural International Center
3F East Bldg. Kyoto Terrsa,70 Higashikujo shimotonoda-cho,Minami-ku,Kyoto
Open / 10:00-18:00
Closed /Tuesdays, National holidays, 12/29-1/3
TEL : 075-681-2500 / FAX : 075-681-2508